Feb 23, 2023
Welcome to 2023: The year in which waste separation has become a trend. In a world where environmental problems are becoming more and more present, waste separation is becoming one of the most important measures we can take to protect our environment and create a cleaner future. Our high-quality metal waste garbage can boxes are part of this solution. Our Dagobert garbage can boxes combine modern and chic design with durable construction and will soon also offer a decorative plant tray for added appeal and unlimited customization options. Waste separation is a trend that is growing in importance and will have a major impact on our future.
Aug 04, 2022
Vacation with the family can be very stressful even before departure - when it comes to preparation and packing, parents get in a bad mood weeks before. With the tips from BIO Stefan® you have everything under control.
Jun 01, 2022
You won't believe what items everyone throws in the wrong garbage can
Two more days and then it's finally the weekend again. But of course, the last two days can sometimes be a real drag and exhausting. So how can BIO Stefan stay fit and focused at work? The Germans are considered waste separation professionals. Nevertheless, when it comes to deciding between waste paper and residual waste garbage cans, misjudgements are made time and again.
Plastic in plastic waste, paper in paper waste. Waste separation is actually quite simple. However, some throw-away rules are not entirely clear.
May 07, 2022
Mindfulness against stress - buzzword or necessity - BIO Stefan tells you something
But wait - what exactly is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the conscious experience and awareness of the present moment. And that includes everything that goes with it: thoughts, physical processes, emotions, sensory impressions - simply everything that happens around you and falls within your perception.
May 03, 2022
And suddenly there it was: the waste paper garbage can for every household. Mostly with a red lid, or completely colored in red. The collection from the house as a comfort thought certainly a good approach, but what happens now with the 2, 3 or even 4 trash cans that now "decorate" our driveway, the garage or the garden?