It's Wednesday: half of the week at BIO Stefan garbage can boxes is over, so we're celebrating a kind of mountain festival. Find out how to get through the remaining days and stay motivated at BIO Stefan .
Two more days and then it's finally the weekend again. But of course, the last two days can sometimes be quite tiring and exhausting. So how can BIO Stefan stay fit and focused at work? Germans are considered waste separation professionals. Nevertheless, when it comes to deciding between waste paper and residual waste garbage cans, misjudgements are made time and again.
Plastic into plastic waste, paper into paper waste. Waste separation is actually quite simple. However, some throwaway rules are not very clear.
1. cash receipts into the paper waste
You might think that paper is paper. But that's not quite right: although sales slips look like paper at first glance, they are actually made of what is known as thermal paper. This coated material cannot be recycled like normal paper and should end up in the residual waste.
2. pizza box into the paper waste
People who order pizza usually just dispose of the cardboard in the paper trash. Cardboard is made of paper, after all. That's right, but the pizza box has a catch: it's usually soiled with food. If dirt gets into the waste paper, it can no longer be recycled. So off it goes into the residual waste!
3. frozen cartons into the paper waste
If you now think you have done everything right with the clean cardboard of the frozen pizza in the waste paper, you are also wrong. Although the carton is not soiled, frozen food cartons are usually coated with plastic or metal. The coated cartons can also not be processed in the paper waste and belong in the yellow garbage can or the residual waste.
4. baking paper into the paper waste
The same applies to baking paper. Although it does not contain plastic, it is also specially coated. The coating prevents baking paper from dissolving in water. This means that it cannot be recycled in the paper waste and must be disposed of in the residual waste.
5. handkerchiefs in the paper trash
Last but not least, used handkerchiefs do not belong in paper waste, as they contain all kinds of bacteria and viruses. People come into contact with them during organic and paper waste processing, whereas residual waste is incinerated. Therefore, the latter is also the right place to dispose of handkerchiefs.
Conclusion: BIO Stefan metal garbage can boxes are elegant, aesthetic, corrosion-resistant and robust, and there is something for every budget. Simply perfect 😊
BIO Stefan wishes everyone a wonderful Wednesday week divider!!!
Kind regards from the Steel City from the team at BIO Stefan.
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Simply organized with high-quality coated and elegant garbage can liners 🇦🇹 from BIO Stefan 🏠🏡🏘♻️
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