
Apr 26, 2022
There are claims that we humans need around 90 seconds to form an opinion about others. Supposedly, we are right in many cases. But if we are honest, we judge the people we meet first by their appearance. Whoever now claims that appearance is not important to him, I assume that he is lying.
We are all aware of the key importance of a well-maintained front elevation, as it helps improve the appearance of the home and also makes arriving home a daily enjoyable experience.

Apr 20, 2022
It happens more often than the majority of you might think - disposing of waste in another household's bin! If there is no public waste garbage can to be found far and wide or your own garbage can is already overflowing, it is not uncommon for someone else's bin to be used.
We encounter these two issues time and again, and the question is: what can we do about it and how can we protect ourselves from third-party waste in the long term? BIO Stefan - The solution.

Apr 01, 2022
What's the best way to create space? Get everyone out of the way, close your eyes and go for it, as here the wooden post had to make way for the fencing to give the beautifully shaped BIO Stefan room to breathe. We appreciate this creative variation, as well as the transmission of these cool shots in connection with the object behind them. Thank you Leander and the whole team at BIO Stefan Outdoor & Living wishes you lots of fun with your garbage can liners from BIO Stefan .

Mar 30, 2022
Accident at work and BIO Stefan? In this blog post, we would like to explain what this is all about. Basically, we and our beloved customers build BIO Stefan in our free time, so we rarely talk about accidents at work. But shouldn't the safety requirements in the work environment be in no way inferior or equal to those in the private sphere? We are of the opinion that private manual activities must also be protected, and we believe that it is time to raise awareness here.

Mar 24, 2022
In the Styrian Ennstal at the main ridge of the dead mountains in Stainach-Pürgg we go today on the search for standing around, dirty garbage cans which are neither respectable nor smell pleasant. The challenge here was a bigger one! Why this? You'll find out in the next paragraph.