Waste separation and the trends for 2023

Waste separation and the trends for 2023

Jan 24, 2023Erwin Sabic

Many packages end up directly in the residual waste instead of being separated in the yellow bag, yellow garbage can, organic waste or waste paper container. This means waste incineration instead of resource-saving recycling. This promotes the burden on climate and resources.

Germany and Austria are considered to be the world champions in waste separation, but not all materials end up in the appropriate container. Good waste separation is the first step towards improving recycling, as much packaging waste as possible should be recycled - for this to work, waste separation must also work. But what exactly belongs where? Well-known and generally not a novelty: glass in the glass container, paper and cardboard (small format) in the waste paper, packaging in the yellow bag or the yellow garbage can. What is not quite known is that different materials should also be separated within the disposal circle, for example the metal lid from the yogurt pot, which means pulling it off beforehand and putting it separately in the same yellow bag or yellow garbage can.³ Different materials should not be stuffed into each other for precisely this reason.

Waste rules change constantly, which is also the reason that there are regional or local differences in waste separation. In Austria, for example, waste is collected very differently. This is to change as of 1.1.2023, there is now a uniform recycling regulation. Now "more" plastic waste may go into the respective yellow bags or yellow garbage cans. Here one expects a "collection plus" of 20% compared to the previous year1.

What can go in now? Common packaging materials such as yogurt cups, juice packaging, plastic trays for vegetables, fruit, pet food and packaging for sliced cheese as well as sausage. PET bottles, shower gel containers and many more.

ATTENTION: Large packaging materials such as foils or polystyrene from packaging should still be taken to the waste material collection center.

Light metals such as aluminum or tinplate cans can also be collected in Vienna in the yellow bag or yellow garbage can. However, this regulation will not apply to the whole of Austria until 2025.

What is the situation in Germany? In Hanover, for example, there will be a nationwide switch to yellow bins² from January 1, 2023. This means that the yellow bag will no longer be used. This improves cleanliness in the city and avoids situations of blown or augerissenen bags unjd the following distributed garbage components, which lies scattered around, generates annoyance and causes additional cleaning costs.

But what are the advantages of the yellow garbage can compared to the yellow bag? With a uniform system, waste collection companies can work more effectively and also more cost-efficiently. This saves plastic waste that used to be generated by 35 million plastic bags annually. This amounts to 700 tons of plastic waste that is less harmful to the environment. The yellow garbage can is free of charge for residents.

Now what size of the barrel is the right one?

The common sizes are 120 and 240 liters, the changeover of the individual households began already from November 2022. But which garbage can size do I need or is the right one for our household? Quite simply, here you calculate with 15 liters of waste per person and week, so a 120 liter garbage can is just right if the household accommodates a maximum of 4 people. From the fifth inhabitant 240 liters of tons are delivered, in multi-party houses from 20 registered persons there are the 1100 liters of containers.

You will definitely find the right waste garbage can enclosures at BIO Stefan. If it is a 120l or 240l garbage can, we offer the right solution.

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THE practically robust trash can cover without frills in the Solo version for 240l containers (e.g.: waste paper container).

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With REAL wood cladding suitable for your 120l and 240l tanks. Click your way to Holzmichl and the possible variants.


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  1. https://www.heute.at/s/diese-neuen-muell-regeln-gelten-in-oesterreich-ab-112023-100246033
  2. https://e-mag.press/gelbe-saecke-haben-ab-2023-ausgedient/
  3. https://www.zak.de/Nachrichten/Muelltrennung-ist-ausbaufaehig-154107.html


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